Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Update date: 2023-04-30

[ FJDYNAMICS PTE. LTD. ] (hereinafter referred to as "we", "service provider") attaches great importance to your personal data and respects your privacy. In the process of providing [FJ Dynamics] (hereinafter referred to as "this application") to you, we will strictly follow the relevant laws and regulations, and only collect data within the scope stated in this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy"). , process your personal data. Please read and understand this policy carefully before you submit personal data to us. Please note that this policy only applies to this application. If you use other products or services we provide, please refer to other privacy policies applicable to the product or service.

Please note that privacy rights and obligations may differ in some locations under applicable local data protection laws. We have included supplemental information specific to certain jurisdictions in this policy.

This policy helps you understand the following:

1.who are we

We, [ FJDYNAMICS PTE. LTD.] , are a company registered at[15 SCOTTS ROAD#03-1215 SCOTTSSINGAPORE (228218)]As the data controller who determines the data processing activities of this application, we have complete rights to this application and will be responsible for handling various matters related to this application.

2.What personal data we collect about you

When you use this application and/or service, you will sometimes be asked to provide us with personal information. The information requested from you and the reasons for providing it will be explained to you when we request it. Providing us with this information is entirely voluntary, but if you choose not to provide it, you may not be able to use certain services/functions of this application. The following are examples of situations where we directly ask you to provide us with information:

When you use this application and/or service, we may also automatically collect various information from you. Some of this information is collected anonymously, while other information is collected and linked to other information you have already provided. We consider this information to be personal data if it is linked to your account information, or if the collected information can be used to trace it back to a specific person. The following information is automatically collected during your use of this application and/or service:

3.How we use your personal information

This section provides more details about the types of personal information we collect from you and why. For users residing in the United Kingdom, European Economic Area (“Relevant Jurisdictions”), this section also specifies the legal basis on which we rely to process your data.

Information you provide to us (directly or through a third party)

personal information use Legal basis (only applicable if you are located in the relevant jurisdiction)
Account setting information: account ID, account password, email address, mobile phone number We use this information to create and improve your personal account for login verification Necessary to perform our service contract with you

Personal Information Collected or Generated Automatically as Part of the Services

personal information use Legal basis (only applicable if you are located in the relevant jurisdiction)
IP address and geographic location information based on IP information We use this information to improve your version information of this application to ensure the normal realization of the corresponding functions of this application product and service Necessary to perform our service contract with you
Basic hardware and operating system information We use this information to troubleshoot crashes and help the app improve stability Necessary to perform our service contract with you
Mobile phone brands We use this information to troubleshoot crashes and help the app improve stability Necessary to perform our service contract with you

4.How we use cookies and similar technologies

We may use cookies and other similar technologies (such as web beacons, log files, scripts and eTags) (“Cookies”) to enhance your experience on the Services. Cookies are small files that, by placing them on your device, enable us to provide certain features and functions.


In the future, we may set up a website to provide you with this application and/or service. In order to ensure the normal operation of the website, provide you with an easier access experience, and recommend you content that may be of interest to you, we will On-device storage name cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications that usually contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters (collectively, "Cookies"). With the help of cookies, websites can store data such as your preferences or the products and/or services in your shopping cart.

If your mobile device or browser add-on service allows, you can modify the acceptance of cookies or reject our cookies. However, if you do so, it may affect your safe use of our products and/or services in some cases, and you may need to change user settings every time you use this application and/or service.

(2) Cookie similar technology

In addition to Cookies, we also use web beacons, pixel tags, ETags and other similar technologies on our websites. For example, the email we send to you may contain an address link to the content of our website. If you click on the link, we will track this click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can actively improve customer service. service experience. A web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of pixel tags in emails, we can know whether the emails are opened. If you do not want your activities to be tracked down in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mail list at any time.

ETag (Entity Tag) is an HTTP protocol header transmitted between the Internet browser and the Internet server, which can replace Cookie. ETag can help us avoid unnecessary server load, improve service efficiency, and save resources and energy. At the same time, we may use ETag to record your identity so that we can have a deeper understanding and improve our products or services. Most browsers provide users with the function of clearing browser cache data, and you can perform corresponding data clearing operations in the browser settings function. However, please note that if you disable ETag, you may not be able to enjoy a relatively better product and/or service experience.

5.How we manage your personal data

Depending on the relevant purchase contract we have entered into with you, your personal information may be processed on servers outside your place of residence. However, your personal data collected and generated during our operations in the People's Republic of China will be stored in China in accordance with laws and regulations and will not be transferred abroad.Regardless of where our servers are located, we will take appropriate measures to safeguard your rights in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The servers we provide for our services are located in: including but not limited to China and EU countries.

In principle, we will retain your personal data as long as we have continuing legitimate business needs (such as providing you with the services you requested, or complying with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements, etc.); once we no longer have legal business need to process your personal data, we will delete or anonymize your personal data, or if deletion or anonymization is not possible, pseudonymize and/or securely store your personal data and separate it from any further processing Quarantined until it can be deleted or anonymized.

We will strive to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, destruction, damage, loss or other forms of unlawful processing. The network environment is not absolutely safe. In the event of a personal data security incident, we will fulfill our notification obligation, which may include informing you of the following information: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and your own protection and recommendations for risk reduction. We will try our best to inform you in a timely manner by telephone, email, push notification, etc., and under certain circumstances, we may publish an announcement on the company's official website.

If you know or have reason to believe that your personal data has been lost, stolen, misappropriated or otherwise compromised, or if there is any actual or suspected misappropriation of your personal data, you can contact us in a timely manner.

6.How we share your personal data

We will only share your personal information with third parties when necessary. Such situations include:

(1) Third parties that provide support for the service, including payment/logistics processing partners, cloud service providers that process the information specified in this policy on their servers to provide services, support related communications, etc. All companies providing services to us shall not retain, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose other than providing services to us.

(2)Companies in our group of companies that process your personal information in order to operate services around the world . All relevant group companies will only use your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

(3) We may share your personal information to ensure safety, security or compliance with laws, regulatory agencies, judicial departments, law enforcement agencies, and other third-party requirements. for example:

In some cases, we are required by law to disclose information about you to competent authorities, for example to comply with legal obligations or procedures, to enforce our terms, to address security or fraud-related issues, or to protect our users. These disclosures may be made with or without your consent, and with or without notice to you, pursuant to the terms of valid legal process, such as a subpoena, court order, or search warrant. The terms of the legal process generally prohibit us from notifying you of any such disclosure. We may seek your consent to respond to a government agency's request to disclose information in the event the government agency does not provide the required subpoena, court order, or search warrant. We may also disclose your information for the following purposes:

(4)Third parties that acquire all or a substantial portion of our business.We may disclose your information to third parties in the event that (a) we sell, transfer, acquire, merge or reorganize any part of our business, or merge with, acquire or form a joint venture with any other business, in which case (b) sell or transfer any of our assets, in which case we Information held about you may be sold as part of these assets and may be transferred to any potential buyer, new owner or other third party involved in such sale or transfer.

(5)Third-party SDK providers.In order to enable you to use the various functions and services of this application normally, we will embed the SDK or other similar applications of the following authorized partners in this application:

name third party name type of data purpose of usage processing method Third Party Privacy Policy
Tencent Bugly Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd., Shenzhen This app crash message Collect the crash information of this application and solve the fault encryption
Mobile Push SDK Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Device information (model, system type, system version, etc.) for label-based push and identification of whether the device is real or not; network information (network type) supports different types of push according to different network types; account binding information (QQ number, WeChat Union ID, mobile phone number, email, etc. based on the selected push channel) for pushing according to account information; application data (reaches, clicks, exposures, etc. generated in the push process) for push business data statistics. Push messages on mobile devices Through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and other security methods

We will conduct strict security inspections on the application programming interface (API) and software development kit (SDK) for authorized partners to obtain personal information, and agree on strict data protection measures with authorized partners to ensure that they comply with our agreement and this Agreement. The collection and processing of your personal data is regulated by the Privacy Policy.

7.How your personal data is transferred abroad

Due to the normal operation and maintenance of this application, the service providers we entrust may need to remotely access your personal data from other countries or regions (including China) other than the country where you are located. The level of protection of personal data in these countries or regions may be In the region/country where you domicile, we will implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data in accordance with this Policy. In order to fully protect the security of your personal data, we will sign a standard agreement on data cross-border transmission as the corresponding transmission mechanism or strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations. You may obtain a copy of our appropriate safeguards by contacting us.

8.What rights do you have

The laws of some jurisdictions grant users of the Services certain rights, which are set forth in this section.

This section is entitled "Your Rights" and applies to users located in the relevant jurisdictions. If you are located outside of the relevant jurisdiction, please see the Supplemental Jurisdiction-Specific Terms to learn about your rights and how to exercise them.

access right

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, how we use it and with whom we share it.

right of relocation

You have the right to receive a copy of certain personal information we process about you. This includes any personal information we process based on your consent or under our contract with you (such as customer support), as detailed in the "How we use your personal information" section above. You have the right to receive this information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Subject to certain exceptions, you also have the right to request that we transfer such personal information to another party. If you make such a request, we will provide you with relevant further information.

If you would like us to transfer this personal information to a third party, please ensure you provide details about that party in your request. Please note that we can only transfer to third parties where this is technically feasible. Please note that we may not be able to provide you with personal information if providing such personal information would compromise the rights of others (for example, if providing personal information we hold about you would reveal other people's information or our trade secrets or intellectual property) information.

right to rectification

You can update your account information at any time by logging into the app. If you believe that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete and needs to be changed, please notify us using the 'How to Contact Us' section below.

right to delete

You can delete your account and have the right to ask us to delete your personal data that we have stored. You can also delete your personal data by contacting us to request deletion of your account and/or your personal data and to request deletion of your account. We ensure that all removal requests are honored within one month of receiving your request. Note that once an account is deleted it cannot be recovered. We may retain certain information to meet legal requirements or for security purposes. Certain information will also be kept anonymous.

We may need to retain personal information if the relevant data protection laws provide reasonable grounds (for example, to defend legal claims or to protect freedom of expression), in which case we will notify you. If you ask us to delete personal information that has been made public on the Services, and there is a reason for such deletion, we will take reasonable steps to attempt to tell other parties that are displaying or providing a link to such personal information to also delete such personal information.

The right to restrict the processing of information to storage only

In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to stop processing the personal information we hold about you and only store it. Please note, however, that if we stop processing personal information, we may use it again if we have legitimate reasons for doing so under relevant data protection law (for example, to defend legal claims or to provide protection for others). As stated above, if we agree to stop processing the relevant personal information, we will attempt to inform any third parties to whom the relevant personal information has been disclosed and ask them to similarly stop processing.

Right to withdraw consent

Some of our processing may be based on your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting data processing activities already carried out prior to the withdrawal or any other existing legal basis for the processing activities.

If consent is required to process your personal information, but you do not consent to the processing or withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide the intended service.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by us at any time on the grounds of your particular situation, if the processing is based on our legitimate interests (rather than a legal obligation). If you object, we will no longer process your personal data unless there are compelling and overriding grounds for processing your personal data or they are necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. If you do not want us to process your personal data for marketing activities, you can make changes at any time by sending an email to[].

Right to lodge a complaint and take legal action

If you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, please contact us in the first instance and we will endeavor to process your request as quickly as possible. This does not affect your right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in the country in which you live or work if you believe that we have breached the relevant data protection laws.

You also have the right to take legal action in relation to any violation of your rights during the processing of your personal data.


From time to time, we may send you announcements or other administrative notices as we deem necessary (for example, when we temporarily suspend access to the Services for maintenance, security, privacy reasons). You cannot opt out of receiving these service-related announcements as they are not promotional in nature.

other rights

If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent or is required for the performance of a contract with you and the processing is carried out by automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format provided personal data or, where technically feasible, transfer your personal data directly to another company (data portability).

Furthermore, you have the right not to receive any automated individual decision that has legal effects on you or that significantly affects you in a similar way.

How to exercise your rights

You can exercise your rights by means of the "How to Contact Us" section below. We will honor these requests within one month of receiving your request. We reserve the right to refuse to act on a request if it affects the rights and privacy of others. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on your request if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

Please note that we may ask you to provide information to confirm your identity and ensure that you have these rights.

9.How do we protect the personal data of children and other persons without full civil capacity

Our products and services are primarily intended for adults. Without the consent of the child's parents or guardians, we will not collect the personal data of children and other persons without full civil capacity and children. For the above-mentioned personal data collected with the consent of parents or guardians, we will only use or disclose such data in strict compliance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations with the explicit consent of parents or guardians. If we find that we have collected the above personal data without prior verifiable parental or guardian consent, we will take relevant measures to delete the relevant personal data as soon as possible.

10.How this policy is updated

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If this privacy policy is revised, we will promptly post the new version in a prominent position on this web page. If there are major changes to this policy, we will provide you with more prominent ways to notify you, such as emails, text messages, website pop-ups, etc.

11.How to contact us

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions about this policy, or have requests and inquiries about your personal data, you can contact us in the following ways. In principle, we reply within 30 days.




post code:/

Note: The update date of this privacy policy version is [2023] [4] month [30], and it will come into effect on [2023] [4] month [30].

12.Supplemental Terms for Specific Jurisdictions

The laws of some jurisdictions provide for additional terms for users of the Services, which are described in this section.

If you are a user located in one of the following jurisdictions, in addition to the terms stated in our Privacy Policy above, the terms stated under the name of your jurisdiction also apply to you, in case of conflict, the jurisdiction in which you are located Supplemental terms under jurisdiction name shall prevail.


This section applies to California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA").

Collection and Disclosure of Personal Information

During the past 12 months, we collected and disclosed the following categories of personal information from or about you or your device:

Identifiers, such as your account ID, password, IP address, device ID, email address and mobile phone number

Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as information about your use of this application and/or services, including logging into this application and other device information described in the main text of the privacy policy. This information is collected directly from you and your device.

Commercial information about any transactions within the App and/or Services, such as what services were purchased and their prices. This information is collected directly from you and your device.

Other information described in Section 1798.80(e). This information is collected directly from you, as our consumer.

We collect your personal information for the following purposes:

To provide services to you, maintain your account, provide customer service, etc.

To improve our Services, including the functionality of the Services.

For security and authentication purposes, including prevention and detection of fraudulent activity.

Troubleshoot and correct technical issues and bugs.

For additional information on what each type of personal information is used for, please see the "What Personal Data We Collect About You" and "How We Use Your Personal Data" sections of the main text of the Privacy Policy.

We disclose personal information to the following types of entities:

Other companies in our group of companies that process your personal information in order to operate the Services.

Other companies that provide services on our behalf and in support of the services, who are contractually prohibited from retaining, using or disclosing personal information for any purpose other than providing services to us.

Regulatory agencies, judiciary and law enforcement agencies.

Entities that acquire all or a substantial portion of our business.

We have not sold (within the meaning of CCPA) personal information of California residents in the past 12 months.

Rights under the CCPA:

If you are a California resident, you have the right to:

- Not to be unlawfully discriminated against for exercising your rights in exercising your rights under the CCPA, including providing a different level or quality of service or refusing to provide you with goods or services.

Our goal is to meet all verified requirements under the CCPA within 45 days. If necessary, it will be extended for another 45 days and an explanation for the extension will be provided.

How to exercise your rights

First, you can log into your account and manage your data there. If you are a resident of California to which the CCPA applies, you may also exercise your rights (if any) with respect to Additional Data by contacting us through our website or emailing us at [].


Pursuant to Nevada law, Nevada residents who purchase our goods or services may choose to refrain from the "sale" (as Nevada law defines it) of "related information" to others for the economic benefit of licensing or selling such information to others. class information. "Relevant information" includes names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers, or identifiers that allow the targeted individual to be contacted, whether online or offline. As noted above, we share your information with certain third parties that we believe are in a position to provide offers and promotions for products and services of interest to you through the other means described above. We believe that our sharing of information in this regard does not constitute a sale under Nevada law. However, if you are a Nevada resident and have purchased goods or services from us, you may submit a request to us at [] to have your opt-out preference documented. Please note that we may take reasonable steps to verify your identity and the authenticity of your request.

Chinese mainland


We will not collect and use your personal information without your consent, which you can withdraw at any time. Please note that after you withdraw your consent, we will not collect and use your personal information, and the personal information processed based on your previous consent is still valid.

Parental and Guardian Consent

If you are under the age of 14, please do not use the Services for any purpose without the consent of a parent/guardian (on their behalf and on your behalf) to this Privacy Policy. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 14 without their consent.

your rights

We protect the rights of your personal information subject in accordance with the Chinese Privacy Law, including the rights to access, correct, delete, and copy personal information. See the "How to exercise your rights" section above for more information.

China Hong Kong

As a data subject in Hong Kong, you have statutory rights (to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations) with respect to your personal data held by us.

You have the right to make subject access requests (to receive a copy of the data we process about you) and data correction requests, and to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We may charge a fee for performing data access requests.


We will comply with applicable Japanese data protection laws and regulations, and will not use your personal information for purposes not listed in this policy. This APP may share your following personal information:


If you are located in Canada and would like written information about the policies and practices of our service providers located outside of Canada, you may contact us through our website or email us at []

Where we use service providers who may have access to your personal information, we require them to implement privacy and security standards comparable to our own. We maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information and prevent it from being used for any purpose other than those specified in this Privacy Policy by signing contracts with service providers and taking other measures.


If you use this app or service in Russia, by using this app or service you agree that:

You confirm that you are over the age of 18.

Processing of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy in relation to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 on the Personal Data Act (as amended) or any superseding regulations; in case of legitimate interests, optimization of services or performance of the contract, you agree that, for the purposes of Russian law, such consent may be considered an ancillary grounds for processing (i.e. processing is carried out with your consent); this consent also includes the processing of any cookies (provided These cookies constitute personal data under Russian law);

transfer your information across borders to any country or region where we maintain databases or affiliates;

For purposes of federal laws regarding marketing/advertising, we may share advertising/marketing information with you unless you choose not to receive such information.

The subsections "Right of access", "Right of rectification", "Right of erasure", "Right of restriction of processing to storage only", "Right of objection" and "Advertising" of the above "Your rights" section apply to Russia Federated users.

We will notify you of any material changes and may ask you to accept those changes. Unless we ask you to accept it, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes if you continue to use the Services after notification.

You can send email to [] to contact us. Please include the word "Russia" in the subject line of your email.

South Africa

1. Responsibility subject

The responsible parties who may process your personal data from time to time include:

[ FJDYNAMICS PTE. LTD. ], the registered address is [ 15 SCOTTS ROAD#03-1215 SCOTTSSINGAPORE (228218) ], and the registration number is [ 202202951N ].

2. Personal information of legal entities

In addition to the personal data collected in this policy, we also process data relating to South African legal entities, which includes personal data that may constitute the South African Personal Information Protection Act. The personal data we process about South African legal entities includes:

Company or other legal entity name, address, telephone number, email address, company registration number, company contact name;

3. Purpose and legal basis for processing personal information of legal persons

The purposes of processing the above personal information include:

identify customers and potential customers;

market or sell products to customers;

Negotiate and sign contracts with customers;

Generally speaking, the purposes for which we process the above personal information are: to perform the contract with the customer, or to obtain the consent of the relevant customer or legal person, or based on our legitimate interests or the interests of a third party for which such information is provided for the following purposes; Market and sell our products and services, support customers' access to and use of our products, provide training to users of our products, respond to inquiries from customers or users, improve products and services, and advise users of product features, new releases or maintenance.

Personal information of legal entities may be shared with third parties and transferred to countries outside South Africa. Please refer to the relevant provisions of this policy in this regard.

4. Laws authorizing or requiring the collection of personal information

Legislation that may require the processing of personal information of individuals or legal entities includes:

Financial Intelligence Center Act, 2001;

Income Tax Act, 1962;

and Companies Act, 2008.

5. Sensitive Personal Information:

Where applicable, information relating to an individual's religious or philosophical beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, trade union membership, political beliefs, health or sex life, biometric information or criminal conduct, including any photographic or video recordings, as applicable South African laws and regulations, may be considered sensitive/special personal information. We may use an individual's specific personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, or as otherwise notified to you from time to time.

6. contact us.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us through the contact details below, or according to the information provided in the "How to contact us" section of the policy. We will respond to your request within a reasonable time, up to a maximum of 30 days. We may ask to verify your identity.

Contact information: []


age limit

You may not use the Services unless you are over the age of 18 or have a parent/guardian agreement (on their own behalf and on yours) agreeing to this Privacy Policy.

Types of personal information we use

For clarification, you can find full details about the personal data we use in Section 2 "What Personal Data We Collect About You" and Section 3 "How We Use Your Personal Data". Therefore, for the purposes of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by Private Parties and other applicable regulations, we provide you with complete information.

Purpose of processing

Some of the above processing is voluntary, including showing you personalized recommendations and advertisements. We may also use your personal data for voluntary purposes to send information to your email address that we think may be relevant to you. You may object to the processing of your personal data for voluntary purposes as described in the "Your Rights" section below.

Please note that we may also use your personal data for the following purposes: to comply with legal obligations or requests from competent authorities, to assert or defend our rights before competent authorities/courts, to respond to complaints you make to us in relation to your personal data requirements, and to implement the transfer of personal data detailed in Section 5 "How We Manage Your Personal Data", Section 6 "How We Share Your Personal Data" and Section 7 "How Your Personal Data Is Transferred Abroad" .

Data Transfer Consent

In general, we do not need your consent to carry out Section 5 "How We Manage Your Personal Data", Section 6 "How We Share Your Personal Data" and Section 7 "How Your Personal Data Is Transferred Abroad". ". However, in order to transfer your personal data to a third party that acquires all or substantially all of our business, we need your consent.

By using this application and/or service and providing us with your personal data, you agree to the above data transfers that require your consent. You may exercise your rights in relation to your personal data as described in the "Your Rights" section below.

your rights

The subsections entitled "Right to access", "Right to rectification", "Right to erasure", "Right to object", "Right to restrict processing to storage only" in the above "Your rights" section include the right to use and The restrictions on disclosing your personal data, as well as "advertising", also apply to users located in Mexico.

You also have the right to withdraw the consent you have given us to process your personal data.

To exercise any of your rights, please contact us through our website, or email us at [].

To learn more about your rights, and the applicable modalities, procedures and requirements for exercising any of your rights, please contact us at[].


We collect certain information about your browsing and equipment through cookies, some of which may be considered personal data (see the relevant section above for details). You can adjust your browsing settings to refuse or disable cookies. Please check the instructions provided with your browser as each browser is different. If you reject, disable or delete cookies, you may no longer be able to use certain features of the Services. For more information about our use of cookies and how to disable cookies, please see the "How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies" section above.


your rights

Instructions regarding the processing of your personal data after your death

You have the right to provide us with general or specific instructions regarding the retention, deletion and dissemination of your personal data after your death.

Specific instructions are only valid for the processing activities mentioned therein and the processing of these instructions is subject to your express consent.

You may amend or withdraw your instructions at any time.

You can designate a person to be responsible for carrying out your instructions. If you die, this person will be told your instructions and that person has the right to ask us to carry them out. In the absence of a designation, or unless otherwise specified, in the event of the death of the nominated person, their heirs will be entitled to be informed of your instructions and to require us to carry them out.

contact us through our website or by email at[].


This section applies to users located in Brazil:

revocation of consent

Where we use your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw your prior consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, subject to contractual or legal restrictions. To withdraw your consent, you may terminate your account by contacting us at[] by emailing us.This may affect our ability to provide services to you.

Parental and Guardian Consent

If you are under the age of 18, please do not use the Services for any purpose without the consent of a parent/guardian (on their behalf and on your behalf) to this Privacy Policy. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18 without their consent. If you believe that we have obtained any personal information of children under the age of 18 without the consent of parents/guardians, please contact us in time and we will investigate (and delete) such personal information immediately.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly declare that you authorize us to collect, use, store and process your personal information within the scope specified in this Privacy Policy, including disclosure to third parties.


This section applies to users located in Colombia:

Data Subject Rights

Under applicable law, you have the right to:

Principal place of business

Our principal place of business is:



This section applies to users located in Australia:

overseas recipient

We take reasonable steps to ensure that third parties located outside Australia, when receiving your personal information, process your personal information in a manner consistent with Australian privacy laws. However, you acknowledge that we have no control over, and are not responsible for, the actions and omissions of such third-party recipients.

access right

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, how we use it and with whom we share it. You can log in to your account to access the personal information you have provided for your account. If you believe we hold any other personal information about you, please contact us at[].

right of correction

You have the right to have any inaccurate personal information we hold about you corrected. You can log in to your account with this app to access the personal information we hold about you. If you believe we hold any other personal information about you and that information is inaccurate, please contact us at[].


If you are under the age of 18, you promise to obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian to register an account in this service and use this application.

your rights

If you are dissatisfied with our response to your request to access or correct your personal information or to your privacy complaint involving your personal information, you may contact us at[].

the Philippines

minimum age requirement:

You must be at least 18 years old to use this app.

your rights

You have the following rights:


By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to our:


In order to comply with the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law ("DPL") and its subsidiary regulations, you can contact via []. Please include the word "Turkey" in the subject line of your email.

According to Art. 11 DPL, you have legal rights with respect to the personal data we hold about you. As a Turkish data subject, you have the right (to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations) to apply to the data controller for:

united arab emirates

You agree to collect, use, disclose, export and store your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including (but not limited to) for the purpose of showing you personalized advertisements when you use the service.

We may voluntarily report cybersecurity incidents that constitute offenses under UAE law (for example, under the UAE Cybercrime Law). We may report incidents to appropriate management for investigation. Please also note that we may also voluntarily report cyber security incidents to the Emirates Computer Emergency Response Team ("CERT"). CERT is a security awareness organization that provides a process for documenting incidents and advises on known cybersecurity threats in the UAE.


For users located in the United Arab Emirates, the minimum age for legal business transactions in that country is 21 years old (based on the Islamic calendar). However, a minor between the ages of 18 and 21 can obtain a court order authorizing him or her to engage in certain business transactions. In addition, minors over the age of 7 may engage in commercial transactions with the approval of their guardians.

South Korea

Children under the age of 14 may use the App (regardless of the reason for use) only after the parent/guardian agrees to this Privacy Policy (including the parent/guardian's own consent and consent on behalf of their child). We will not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 14 without the above consent. If you believe that we hold any personal information about a child under the age of 14 without parental/guardian consent, please contact us and we will investigate (and delete) such personal information promptly.

In order to use this application, we provide the following personal information to third parties outside Korea:

Recipient's identity and contact information of the Chief Privacy Officer Recipient's location (or as specified in the recipient's privacy policy) Recipient's purpose of using personal information Items of personal information to be provided date and method of transmission Recipient's retention and use period of personal information
Please refer to the privacy policy of the relevant third-party service for contact information. Where are the servers for the third-party services located Access third-party services as requested by you.
User nickname
region, etc.
transmit from time to time Retention is carried out for the period described in the privacy policy of the relevant third-party service.

The mandatory retention periods for personal information stipulated by Korean law are as follows:

matter Related legislation retention period
Records related to conclusion and termination of contracts Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act 5 years
Records relating to payments and other provision of funds Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act 5 years
Records related to consumer complaints and dispute resolution Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act 3 years
Records related to labeling/advertising Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act 6 months
Service Access Log Protection of Communications Secrecy Act 3 months
telecom log Protection of Communications Secrecy Act 12 months

Destruction of personal information

We will destroy such personal information when the need for the personal information disappears (for example: its retention period expires and the processing purpose is fulfilled) (except where we are required by law or regulation to retain such personal information). Inactive accounts will be automatically deleted after 180 days (unless you have a positive balance in your app account).

The destruction procedure of personal information is as follows:

You can contact us via[].Please include the word "South Korea" in the subject line of your email.